Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Civic Introduction

A little about me & why I decided to begin this blog...

I have volunteered on a number of campaigns for public office & I'm still a romantic when it comes to civic engagement. Though it has cost me hair, it has led me to a fuller appreciation of my neighbors, my country, form & function of our governments & political campaigns. It is both a rewarding & maddening endeavor that I continue to participate in.

It's astounding to think of all the ways one can participate during the election season: Voting, poll watching, donating labor, sign waving, phone banking, fundraising, message crafting, canvassing, candidate management, volunteer resource management, pounding in lawn & field signs, attending city council, talking with neighbors, swaying strangers, chain smoking while returns are coming in... When you do it right, a Campaign can be the hardest work you have ever done. It is a field open to all comers. It is a place where all talents are welcome. It is representative democracy & it depends on good people standing up.

I grew up in a sort of "McGovern-Goldwater Ticket" of a family which is where I began to develop respect for & a genuine interest in hearing from persons who hold differing opinions. I understand the perennial importance of reaching out to disparate groups & believe most persons engaged in the political process are dedicated to better outcomes for their neighbors & State.

That being said, if someone is attempting to engage politically I expect them to listen & engage with persons they disagree with in a civil fashion. I view this blog as a chance to share some of the positive & frustrating things learned while working in state & local politics in Oregon.

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